Dirty Dance Camp FAQs

Q: Is Dirty Dance Camp still Dirty Dancing themed?

A: Dirty Dance Camp is the name of our annual camp, it shows that we arent kids…but it’s a dance camp so it will always be celebrating a beloved movie with dance in it….So this year is FLASHDANCE! Meaning our movie and music is inspired by this iconic film.

Q: Do I need to have a certain level of dance experience to attend?

A: LITERALLY NOT AT ALL! Just like Angela Trimbur Dance, Dirty Dance Camp is open to all stages of confidence.

Q: Do I need to have taken an Angela Trimbur Dance class in order to register for camp?

A: Nope! We can’t wait to meet you. Excited that many who don’t even live in NYC to take the classes are able to attend, should they choose to embark for the weekend.

Q: Is there an age requirement?

A: This is a camp for grown-ups and all campers must be 21 years of age or older, but there is no age cut-off.

Q: Wait where is camp this year?

A: We will be approximately 2 hours outside of NYC in the gorgeous Pocono Mountains.

Q: I randomly live nearby and wouldn’t need to bunk at camp. Are there day passes available?

A: No, the only way to participate in camp is to have registered for the full experience! Which includes being away from home and family…sleeping in a bunk with others! 100% in or bust!

Q: Will transportation be provided?

A: All campers are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from camp. Once you register, you’ll receive a link to a ride board where you can offer a ride or find a ride! We mayyyyy get a bus this year, pricing some out and trying to find the least expensive…will send info on cost to consider as an option if that happens. Stay tuned on all fronts!

Q: What if I have to leave camp on Sunday instead of Monday? Do I still have to pay the full amount?

A: Yes, camp is all three nights. If peeps have to arrive late or leave early we will miss that time with you, but the registration fee doesn’t change. There’s no flexibility with our group rates within the camp, so everyone regardless of the amount of time they’re at camp for needs to pay the full fee.

Q: What time should we plan to arrive on Friday? And depart on Monday?

A: We are tentatively kicking things off with check-in beginning at 6pm on Friday, but if you have to arrive later all good! Once we send the final schedule if you think you’ll be arriving after dinner, just make sure you eat on the way. And check-out is expected to be around 11am on Monday.

Q: Do you need volunteers?

A. Ah thank you but no volunteers are needed. Please register and enjoy the camp experience!

Q: What is included?

A: Your lodging for three nights, all meals, drinks, and activities which includes: movie night, s’mores, leotard decorating (plz bring ur own leo tho, we supply all the trimmings and glueguns for all!), 2 dance classes taught by Angela, talent show, canoeing, ropes course, high quality photos of memories, welcome bag including a official camp sweatshirt and prob more!

Q: What do I need to bring to camp?

A: All campers must bring their own bed linens, pillow, blanket, and towels. Pack clothes for dance class (and knee pads!) and outdoor activities, a bathing suit, and whatever you need for your talent show act! Maybe something cute to deck out your bunk house? It will be late September in the mountains, so please keep that in mind and bring warm clothes, especially for evenings. Will also send out an email reminder of all this closer to the time.

Q: I have a friend who signed up too can we bunk together??

A: You’ll receive a form in the next few weeks where you can put in your rooming requests! No guarantees but I will try my very hardest.

Q: I’m flying into NYC to come to camp but how can I get there, I don’t know anyone (yet)?

A: Check your confirmation email for a ride share board and will update if any busses are arranged this year!

Q: I have dietary restrictions. Can these be accommodated?

A: Yes! We will be collecting that info during registration to let their chef know.

Q: Can I bring my own snacks?

A: You may bring your own snacks, but they must be kept in the kitchen and not in bunks due to the wildlife in the area.



Q: Money is tight this year and I haven’t been saving for camp like I planned on doing eek … do you offer payment plans?

A: Yes! Yes! Totally understand. At checkout you will have that option via ‘Paypal in 4’.

Q: Do I have to participate in the talent show? Does it have to be dancing? Do I need a partner?

A: All campers should plan on performing, Baby! Don’t be scared, be stoked! It will be a thrill, conjure feelings that may be dusty in your heart and dive into Fear Lake. We will all lift you from the water (dirty dancing joke). But yah, it’s part of this experience! And no, the talent does not have to be dance related. The only requirement is that each act consists of at least 2 people. (Sorry no solos this time, we have a lot of people and it’s more fun to collab!) Once you register you’ll receive a link to help you find a partner(s) if you need! Have fun! Get weird! Trust me you’ll be glad you did.

Q: What if it’s sold out??

A: Sign up for the waitlist and we will see what we can do, fingers crossed tight!

Q: Is my ticket refundable if something were to come up

A: Camp is non-refundable. If you can no longer attend and know someone who can join in your place, please email their name to hi@angelatrimburdance.com. You can also post an IG story that you are selling and tag @angelatrimburdance and we will reshare as those looking to buy always have eyes on the IG. We will prob have a waitlist and if you can’t go we can try to cupid but no guaranteeeeez, baby!